Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fainting Under a Drinking Fountain

The day was 24 July, 2008. We just barely got back from the lauret family reunion. I had just recieved word that we were going to go swimming at 4:30 at the PG pool. The time was 3:00 and I thought I could give plasma and still make it on time for swimming. I did give my plasma and I was 20 minutes late to the pool. April, SpencO, Micah and I played water basketball. It felt like I was baking inside of a dutch oven because it was so hot outside. Nevertheless, we still played ball in the pool. Little did I know, I was dehydrating myself and slowly not feeling good. It didn't hit me to eat or drink a lot after giving plasma until later that night. Lani, my sister, joined April and Spencer, Micah, Mandy, and Jaxon, and I to eat at the Cracker Barrel. We finished our meal and I needed to stand up because I was feeling claustrophobic. I decided I needed to go to the bathroom. I started to get really lightheaded on the pot and I made a decision to pass out in the stall or to pass out outside of the bathroom. I decided outside of the bathroom would be more sanitary. I hurried and finished my business. I pulled up my pants and I stumbled out toward the door to get out of the bathroom. About five steps before the door, my cheeks felt flushed and that's when the walls started to close in. My steps became quicker so I could make it outside the door, and I opened the door and collapsed. I looked at the ceiling and it spun and I was looking up at the drinking fountain, cause I was right under them. The person who was in the bathroom with me came out and saw me on the floor. My zipper was undone and I didn't buckle up my belt. He said, "Are you alright?" I said, "Yah, I just need to lay here for awhile." As I did so, my blood started to enter into my brain and I felt better. I was probably on the floor for 5 minutes. And I got up and I made it home to go to bed.

Lesson learned: I now know what its like just before a person dies and never returns, except I returned. And now I know not to exercise right after donating plasma. You need to wait 24 hours before vigorous activity.

1 comment:

  1. oh my dear Jacob, this is hilarious! Glad you were ok tho ;)
